Romania’s Senate Goes Mad

Romania’s Senate has passed a law which obliges the media to present an equal proportion of positive news, in order to balance the “bad” news in the Romanian media. One of the most extraordinary facts about this law is that it was passed unanimously by Romania’s Senate. What were they thinking?

The implications of this media law are boggling: to impose a “positive news” rule on a free media is technically impossible in an open society. To do so would require a comprehensive system of censorship, a clampdown on freedom of expression that would be inadmissible within the EU; it would debilitate the media and be a throwback to the Communist era. It would be unacceptable to the media, the government, the public and the EU. It is unworkable, unthinkable, impossible.

But due to the peculiarities of Romania’s constitution it is very close to becoming law: the Senate can pass laws regarding the audio visual sector, even if rejected by the lower house (as it was). It is expected that the President will now reject the law. It will be returned to the Senate and they can pass the law again and bypass the Presidential veto. My belief is that the Senate will come to their senses and will actually read the small print this time.

It is interesting to consider how this law was passed as it reveals the byzantine way that democracy functions in Romania. Laws are passed in Romania with a speed and abandon that is bewildering, a process the Romanians describe as a “legislative conveyor belt”. The government is able to churn out “emergency ordinances” with remarkable ease and these are law until approved, or rejected, by Parliament.

The main feature of this approach is that ministers, or Senators in this case, don’t have time to actually read the proposed laws. Each law will have its sponsoring minister, or senator, who will say “you support my law and I will support yours”. In this way a large number of laws can be passed in a single sitting, with no time wasted reading the small print. If there is a mistake or a scandal it can be amended with another law, rejected by Parliament, or just forgotten (as happens to most of them). Needless to say this controversial media law was rushed through the Senate in a few minutes with a wink and a nod by its sponsor – the extreme nationalist former psychiatric patient, Gheorghe Funar.

Although media ownership patterns raise some eyebrows, the Romanian press is relatively free by EU standards. But this has not resulted in an increase in quality, in fact the result is sensationalism and the increase of “bad” news. The Romanian airwaves are filled with stories of rape, murder, car crashes and theft. In other words, Romania is becoming like the other EU Member States in terms of press freedom.

In Western Europe the public are used to media sensationalism and they know how to differentiate between real life and what is reported in the media. In Romania this is not the case and many people assume their country has gone to the dogs because of what they see on the media. This is particularly true among the elderly and the rural population. But it is rather shocking to find that Romania’s senators share the same level of understanding about the media as a village peasant. The Senators, and the elderly peasants, fondly remember the days when all news was good news (Ceausescu’s daily activities being the main bulletin of the day) and when “bad” news was a rarity – references to Western disasters or exposing “enemies of the people”.

This law is a pathetic attempt to roll back the negativity the Senators see in the media, a negativity they claim makes Romanians depressed. It shows the outmoded political reflexes of the Senators, who have employed classic Communist Party tactics. They want to address the problem (negative media) through proscriptive legislation, without reference to the public, other political groupings or (God forbid) the media. This was feasible under Communism, when irrational laws could be passed, without consultation, to be implemented by an all powerful party apparatus.

If one understands the era in which Romania’s Senators grew up in, this Alice-in-Wonderland media law makes perfect sense. What it really shows is how stuck in the past are Romania’s fossilised Senators, most of whom are well past their retirement age. One wonders how they have managed to “get away with it” so far, having avoided other monumental gaffes of this nature in the last 17 years.

Rupert Wolfe Murray was the former team leader of the EU Phare Project to the National Audiovisual Council of Romania (

This article was first published on the Radio Free Europe website.

One Response to Romania’s Senate Goes Mad

  1. mutune says:

    Its interesting that i came across this article after reading on a Chineese philosophy which advocates for the need to balance yang and yin in order to achieve a rewarding life.

    Media is guided my fluidity which is deduced from experience, research on its readership or viewership. Good news rarely make the kind of impact which sends the target audience into a frency. sensatioanlism seem to have an upperhand when audience is opting to endulge the media. in as much as there is an urgency need to provide for both good and bad news i would agree that passing such a legislation would amount to gagging the media. However the media should treat the bad-good news policy as a social responsibility which they should aspire to achieve.

    The aspect of commercialising the media industry comes very much into play when deciding what a particular media will cover in its content. Should by miracle audience decide that they are for good news then this will be a turning point for the industry to a certain extent that legislators of activists to this extent will start carrying placards to the effect that they need bad news carried covered in the media.

    Media content is a complicated issue which the world can only agree to disagree. Medai is not homogenious as some would want to believe, a fact that complicates the whole discourse. Its trend varies with different times, occassions, regions etc.

    Its a long discussion which i can not exhaust……….

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