My New Blog at

If you stumbled across this old blog I would like to point you towards my new blog which can be found at this address:

This blog is now my archive in that I’ve got loads of old material that I’d like to keep.

My new blog is mainly about travel and is aimed at people who want to travel independently and just need a bit of encouragement. I share stories, offer advice and hope to answer questions about equipment, money and anything else people are worried about. This is probably the most useful article: 10 Skills for Independent Travel.

I am also hoping to build up an audience so I can launch my travel book which is called 9 Months in Tibet.

If you are subscribed to this blog I would first like to thank you for staying with me for so long (I really appreciate it even though I haven’t showed it) and I would be most grateful if you would consider subscribing to my new blog. I will be sending out personal newsletters for the first time in 20 years.

I also have a new email address which is

Get in touch. Send me your thoughts, ideas, dreams, hopes and fears. I’m looking for ideas for new articles. This will be the last article I will post here for quite a while — unless one of you wants to post something.

March 2015